The Researcher Circle

The Researcher Circle comprises researchers around the world whose scholarly work focuses on topics relevant to the creation of the conditions necessary for an optimal work life. 

Dr. A.R. Elangovan (Elango)

3M National Teaching Fellow & UVic Distinguished Professor
Director, GSB International
Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria, Canada

Elango’s research focuses on the dynamics of discovering/engaging in one’s calling, understanding the role of meaning in/at work, enhancing wellbeing at work, exploring the notion of wisdom in the context of decision-making, and unpacking the concept of authenticity in leadership.  

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Dr. Jia Lin Xie

Professor of Organizational Behavior
Magna Professor in Management
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada

Jia Lin Xie’s research focuses on job design, job stress and employee well-being, and cross-cultural organizational behavior.

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Dr. Andrew Hoffman

Holcim Professor of Sustainable Enterprise
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan

I use organizational behavior models and theories to understand the cultural and institutional aspects of environmental issues for organizations. In this work, I focus on the processes by which environmental issues both emerge and evolve as social, political and managerial issues

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Dr. Anirban Kar

Postdoctoral Fellow
Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Anirban’s research focuses on great places to work, understanding the role of meaning in/at work and callings, well-being at work, aspects of diversity/cross-cultural management, and alternate ways of organizing.  

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Sanaz Matin Koosha

PhD Candidate
Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria, Canada

Sanaz’s research is situated in Organizational Behaviour. Specifically, she is interested in the topics of individual sustainability, and employee’s maintaining and rebuilding work meaningfulness. Prior to making a career change into academia, Sanaz worked as a project coordinator in the Oil & Gas and Construction industries in Iran.

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Dr. Wendong Li

Associate Professor

Department of Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Associate Editor, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology; Senior Editor, Management and Organization Review (MOR)

Wendong’s research topics include proactivity, work design, personality development, how genetics and environmental factors influence leadership, optimal human functioning, and well-being.

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Dr. Len Karakowsky

Professor of Management.

Dr. Karakowsky's research agenda is fundamentally aimed at understanding how organizations can best adapt to and develop within a rapidly changing business environment. His work addresses such issues as managing demographic diversity, organizational justice, leadership, creativity and knowledge management.

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Dr. Secil Bayraktar

Associate Professor, Toulouse Business School (TBS).

Secil’s research focuses on leadership, organizational change, cross-cultural management, and employee well-being. She is interested in people-related topics with the aim to enhance well-being in today’s organizations characterized by complexity, change, and global focus. She investigates both the employee and the leader perspectives, as well as organizational and cultural factors that constrain or enable positive organizational and individual outcomes.

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Dr. María Dolores del Rio

Assistant Professor at Universidad Austral

PhD candidate at IAE Business School

María’s research is oriented to understand organizational processes as a process oriented to humanization or dehumanization. In that sense, my topics of interest are the production of meaning, sensemaking, and emotional dynamics, mainly those oriented to compassion and care. My research methods are qualitative, mainly ethnography and interviewing.

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Dr. Rick Cotton

Principal Co-Investigator for GLOBE Research Program
Associate Professor, GSB
Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria, Canada

Rick’s research focuses on how individuals thrive in their careers, how individuals overcome challenging work conditions and how talent management practices can foster sustainable organizational, team and individual success in a variety of country, industry and occupational contexts. His research is also invigorated by better understanding how culture, leadership and institutions affect these outcomes.

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Dr. Tomke J. Augustin

Postdoctoral Fellow, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba.

Tomke's research focuses on equity, diversity and inclusion in entrepreneurship, the role of multicultural and multilingual individuals in multinational work places, intersections of language and gender in organizations, leadership, and social innovation.

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Dr. Martin G Evans

Professor Emeritus, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

PhD in Administrative Sciences from Yale University, 1968. Student of Leadership, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Job Design, Union impact (with Dan Ondrack), Career Structures (with Hugh Gunz), Multivariate Regression (with Hugh Arnold) Supervisor and Committee member for over 60 dissertations Academy of Management Distinguished Educator Award, 2001 Freelance writer.

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Kara A. Arnold

Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management; Faculty of Business Administration, Memorial University, St. John's, NL, Canada

My research focuses on transformational leadership, employee and leader well-being, and gender issues in organizations. I am interested in exploring when, how and why certain leadership behaviours are associated with both leader and employee health and well-being. I am also curious about the role gender plays in leader evaluations and how organizational practices can address systemic gender bias in leadership.

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