The topics covered under this Track include: Meaning in/at work, Callings, Career Management, Career Success, Authenticity

The resources below are divided into two categories - journal articles and books/book chapters - and are presented in chronological order starting with the most recent publication. For each publication, the key takeaway relevant for practitioners is presented as an OWL InSight. If you would like more information about that specific research, please contact the author(s) directly - the name(s) of author(s) who are part of the Researcher Circle at OWL are in bold. You can find their email addresses on the Researcher Circle page as part of their profile.


Journal Articles

2021 Elangovan, A.R., Kar, A., Steinke, C., “Meaningful Moves:  A Meaning-Based View of Nurses’ Turnover”, Health Services Management Research, doi: 10.1177/09514848211010427

OWL InSight: The key takeaway from this research is that low meaning in work may prompt employees to quit their professions but not their organizations, and low meaning at work may prompt them to quit their organizations but not their professions.

2010 Elangovan, A.R., Pinder, C. & McLean, M., “Callings and Organizational Behavior”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76: 428-440.

OWL InSight: The key takeaway from this research is that a calling entails engaging in a course of action, with clarity of purpose and meaning, and a pro-social orientation.  It also involves the convergence of one’s multiple selves and its discovery is contingent on the interplay of certain key conditions.


“There is one thing we all must do. If we do everything else but that one thing, we will be lost. And if we do nothing else but that one thing, we will have lived a glorious life.”

- Rumi